Our DNA-Based Weight Loss Program features state of the art genetic testing that helps us gain insight into your unique metabolic fingerprint, from your individual “macro’s” breakdown to how you should exercise to get the best results. Your program focuses on real food (no pre-packaged meals to buy) and real life. Your personal coach will help with accountability, empowerment and education. What does it all mean to you? Faster results are custom tailored to you so that they last a lifetime!
DNA-Based Weight Loss Program combines personal coaching, real food, education and empowerment.
Body contouring with the only FDA approved device that guarantees that you’ll lose a minimum of 3 inches in your first hour treatment session, helps immediately shape and tone targeted areas of your body by reducing stubborn fat that diet and exercise can’t target, giving you a smoother, more sculpted look.
Warm LED red light technology for fat reduction and skin tightening uses gentle, warming red light to target and activate deeper layers of the skin and fat. This energy stimulates fat cells to reduce in size and stimulate collagen production
We provide multiple ways for you to pay for your life-changing journey so that you can get started today. In addition to the standard methods of payment, (cash, check and credit card), we also offer financing options for up to 2 years through Care Credit and Cherry Financing. You can even pre-qualify prior to your appointment at these following links:
We stand against practices that cause permanent harm to the body, such as relying on drugs and surgery as primary solutions or sacrificing health for appearance. We reject quick fixes and do not support shaming individuals for their looks or goals. Instead, we believe in holistic beauty—inside and out—where health is never compromised. We advocate for personalized care, excellence in healthcare, and healthy habits as the foundation for long-term results. Natural approaches come first, with medical interventions only when necessary. We recognize that a person’s entire life and mindset contribute to their overall health.